Monday 24 December 2012

Consoles or Desktops?

This is a topic which is under much debate in recent years. There are two groups of people who argue against each other, console gamers that either play the PS3, Xbox or Wii and their enemies the PC gamers. While not everyone just plays a console or a PC, the majority either play one or the other.

If you had of asked me about a year ago whether PC gaming was failing or experiencing a revival, I would have probably said that it was in major decline. But what has made me change my mind? Well basically there are a lot of great games that are just so much better on the PC than on a console. Hell, some games can't even go to a console because they are just so advanced for the aging console hardware to handle. Planetside 2 is the perfect example of a very fun and in-depth tactical game that is just impossible to bring to a console. Likewise with DayZ, a very large interactive world full to the brim with zombies. The pure scale of the game is leagues ahead of console hardware.

But why are consoles still dominating? Well let's think about this logically, they are usually much cheaper than a good PC. If I open up ebay right now a new Xbox 360 costs roughly £199.99 compared to a good PC which could cost upward to around £700 maybe even more! Also you don't need to worry about having to upgrade because your graphics card or cpu is getting old. Also they're easier to move which can be a factor on whether a person gets a PC or a console. What would you rather bring with you, a  console that is lighter or smaller or a desktop which are enormous and frankly quite heavy?

But what does the PC have going for it? Console gamers would say there is nothing, probably because they haven't even played a console before. Besides the better graphical detail, PC games often allow their customers to download user made mods and maps which they can use both online and offline. Not only that who needs disks anymore? When I had my Xbox 360 I hated when I wanted to play a game, but it wasn't in its case. On PC we have steam were you buy and download straight to your computer! No more looking for games!

But which one is actually better? It's depends on how often you play in my opinion. What's the point in buying a £1000 desktop if you are only going to play for a couple of hours a week? If you play only a limited number of hours a console will be more than enough. If you are dedicated and spend a lot of time playing video games then a PC would be better. For simplicity, the various consoles are better, but for more in-depth game experience with a lot of user made content (which can be outstanding) then a PC is better.

You may be asking whether or not I have even played consoles or played on a desktop. Well I can whole heartedly say that I have! From 2008 until 2010 I had a Xbox 360, I also had a wii and a PS3 for a couple of months, but got bored of both quickly. From 2010 onwards I have played on the PC. I can honestly say I have never looked back! When my friends tell me "I wish you had your Xbox 360 so we could play like the good old CoD4 days" I nod and say "I don't."

What do you prefer to play and why? D you think that desktops and consoles can coexist?

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